Presentation of token appreciation to Dr. Choo Chung Siung from ACEM (Sarawak Branch)

The Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (Sarawak Branch) organised 4 days of evening talks for the month of October 2020 at Fifty Six Hotel, Kuching.
The evening talks which were organised are as follows: –
- Evening talk on “Micro tunnelling in Highly Weathered Rocks-Development and Validation of Some Novel Methods from case studies in Kuching” on 5th October 2020 by Dr. Choo Chung Siung from Swinburne University.
- Evening talk on “Construction 4.0” on 7th October 2020 by Dr. Chai Chang Saar from Swinburne University
- Evening talk on “Importance of Composite Materials in Modern Materials and Manufacturing Industry” on 12th October 2020 by Dr. Elammaran Jayamani from Swinburne University
- Evening talk on “Application of Cold-formed Steel in Construction Industry” on 14th October 2020 by Ir. Professor Lau Hieng Ho from Swinburne University