4 Days of Evening Talks

Presentation of token appreciation to Dr. Choo Chung Siung from ACEM (Sarawak Branch)

Presentation of token appreciation to Dr. Elammaran Jayamani from ACEM (Sarawak Branch)

The Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (Sarawak Branch) organised 4 days of evening talks for the month of October 2020 at Fifty Six Hotel, Kuching.
The evening talks which were organised are as follows: –

  1. Evening talk on “Micro tunnelling in Highly Weathered Rocks-Development and Validation of Some Novel Methods from case studies in Kuching” on 5th October 2020 by Dr. Choo Chung Siung from Swinburne University.
  2. Evening talk on “Construction 4.0” on 7th October 2020 by Dr. Chai Chang Saar from Swinburne University
  3. Evening talk on “Importance of Composite Materials in Modern Materials and Manufacturing Industry” on 12th October 2020 by Dr. Elammaran Jayamani from Swinburne University
  4. Evening talk on “Application of Cold-formed Steel in Construction Industry” on 14th October 2020 by Ir. Professor Lau Hieng Ho from Swinburne University
Presentation of token appreciation to Dr. Elammaran Jayamani from ACEM (Sarawak Branch)
Presentation of token appreciation to Ir. Professor Lau Hieng Ho from ACEM (Sarawak Branch)
Presentation of token appreciation to Dr. Chai Chang Saar from ACEM (Sarawak Branch)

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