ACEM Sarawak Branch 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM)





The Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (Sarawak Branch) held its 27th Annual General Meeting on 25th July 2020 (Saturday), using ZOOM. It was the first time in the history of ACEM (Sarawak Branch) to organise the AGM via tele-video conferencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2020. The attendance of the ACEM Sarawak members met the minimum quorum required for the AGM. The Executive Committee for Session 2020/2021 comprises:

Chairman: Ir. Lainus ak Lichok

Deputy Chairman: Ir. Wong Leong Teck

Honorary Secretary: Ir. Rudy Zulfika bin Yusof

Honorary Treasurer: Ir. Wong Sie Ung

Immediate Past Chairman: Ir. Clarence Chieng Sie Yii

Committee Members: Ir. Ong Chet Yun

Ir. Hii Tiong Koon

Ir. James Ling Chai Haw

Ir. Tom Chong Kuet Fung

Ir. William Tan Khoon Lee

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