Courtesy Call to Ministry of Finance Sabah 2024

Date : 7 May 2024
Organised by : ACEM Sabah
Attended by : Datuk Ir. Chin Shu Ying, Ir. Razalie bin Sindong, Ir. Tan Koh Yon, Ir. Mohd Arzahri and Ir. Amirul Hisham Hj Ismail

Attended by 5 committee members and led by the Branch Chairman, Datuk Ir. Chin Shu Ying, the courtesy call to the Ministry of Finance Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Masidi Manjun on the 7 May 2024 was successfully completed.

The following were the agendas presented during the courtesy call,

1) PUKONSA for Project Tenders in Sabah
2) Issues on Fees on Man Month
3) Scale of Fees & Supervisory Roles

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