IEM Sabah, Sabah Engineers Association (SEA), ACEM Sabah Chinese New Year Gathering & Lion Dance Performance

IEM Sabah / Sabah Engineers Association (SEA) / ACEM Sabah Chinese New Year Gathering & Lion Dance Performance 2023
Date : 4 February 2023
Venue : SEA Premises, Damai Point, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Jointly Organised by : ACEM Sabah, IEM Sabah and SEA

After 2 years of being postponed due to the pandemic restrictions, ACEM Sabah, Sabah Engineers Association (SEA), and IEM Sabah successfully organized the Chinese New Year Gathering & Lion Dance Performance 2023 on 4th February 2023. This year’s Chinese New Year gathering was made more meaningful by the attendance of the newly appointed Deputy Chief Minister III cum Minister of Works of Sabah, Datuk Ir. Shahelmey Yahya.

The Minister’s arrival was greeted by the 3 association heads, Ir. Razalie bin Sindong (ACEM Sabah Branch Chairman), Ir. Tan Koh Yon (SEA President) and Ir. Willy Chin Tet Fu (IEM Sabah Chairman), as well as other committee members, members and families, and other guests. The event went smoothly with a lion dance performance, angpow giving to members’ children, and prosperity toss (lou sang) together with the Deputy Chief Minister.

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