IEM Sabah – SEA – ACEM Sabah Half Day Presentation

Title: “The NEXT Generation of Hydrophilic C-S-H Crystalline Pore Sealing and Crack Healing Technology for Durable, Waterproof and Sustainable Concrete: Characteristics & The Technical Requirement”

Date : 25 November 2022 (Friday)

Venue : Lintas Platinum Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Organised by : ACEM Sabah, Sabah Engineers Association (SEA) and IEM Sabah

Speakers : Mr. John Fiorino-Active Partner (Krystaline Technology SL, Spain) & Mr. C H Fong-General Manager (KMK Krystaline Sdn. Bhd, Malaysia)

2 topics were presented in the event which are;

  • The NEXT Generation of Hydrophilic C-S-H Crystalline Pore-Sealing and Crack Healing Technology for Durable, Waterproof, and Sustainable Concrete
  • The Technical Requirements of Using the NEXT Generation of Hydrophilic C-S-H Crystalline Pore Sealing and Crack Healing Technology for Durable, Waterproof and Sustainable Concrete.



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