The group photo was taken on 14th March 2020 before MCO implemented on 28th March 2020.
The Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (Sarawak Branch) organized 3 days of Saturdays on Induction Course for New Mechanical & Electrical Engineers which was begun on 14th March 2020, 12th September 2020 and 19th September 2020. The Induction Course was stopped for a while because of Movement Control Order /MCO implemented on 28th March 2020 in Malaysia. After the Prime Minister announced the Conditional Movement Control Order /CMCO on 12th May 2020, therefore the operation of businesses resumed with tight SOP. The Induction Course continued for 2 days of Saturdays which was held on 12th September 2020 and 19th September 2020 at Fifty Six Hotel, Kuching.