ACEM Sarawak Branch CSR Charity visits

On 21st July 2022, the branch made CSR charity visits to Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society/SCCS and Kuching Autism Association/KAA at Jalan Desa Wira, Batu Kawa, Kuching. The visits were made by delegates by the branch chairman, the secretariat, and ExCo members.

ACEM Forum 2022

ACEM Forum 2022 was held on 19 May 2022. This forum is intended to update members and fellow engineers on the industry’s current issues and ACEM’s role in addressing them. ACEM forum also serves as a platform for members to air their views and forward suggestions on how best to address the industry’s current challenges. […]

Joint Courtesy Call to JKR Sabah

Event: Joint Courtesy Call to JKR Sabah Date: 11th November 2021 Venue : JKR Sabah Office Organized by : ACEM Sabah Represented by: Ir. Razalie Sindong, Datuk Ir. Chin Shu Ying, Ir. Benny Song and Ir. Amirul Hisham. A courtesy call has been made to the director of JKR Sabah, Ybhg. Datuk Ir. Hj. Ali […]