Induction Course for New Mechanical & Electrical Engineers (Sarawak Branch)

The group photo was taken on 14th March 2020 before MCO implemented on 28th March 2020

The group photo was taken on 14th March 2020 before MCO implemented on 28th March 2020.

The Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (Sarawak Branch) organized 3 days of Saturdays on Induction Course for New Mechanical & Electrical Engineers which was begun on 14th March 2020, 12th September 2020 and 19th September 2020. The Induction Course was stopped for a while because of Movement Control Order /MCO implemented on 28th March 2020 in Malaysia. After the Prime Minister announced the Conditional Movement Control Order /CMCO on 12th May 2020, therefore the operation of businesses resumed with tight SOP. The Induction Course continued for 2 days of Saturdays which was held on 12th September 2020 and 19th September 2020 at Fifty Six Hotel, Kuching.

The view of participants and speakers followed the SOP, i.e. wear face mask and social distance.

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