Strategic Partner: BEM Hybrid Mini Convention 2021

Event: Strategic Partner: BEM Hybrid Mini Convention 2021 Date: 16th & 17th November 2021 Venue: Virtual Live Platform (Online) / Magellan Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Physical) Organized by: Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) Attended by: Open to professional/registered person BEM invited ACEM Sabah to be their strategic partner in organizing the BEM Hybrid […]

Online Course on Fundamentals of Geosynthetics Engineering

The webinar was presented by Dr. KH Loke on 2nd, 9th, and 16th November 2021. He has been involved in the research, manufacturing, consulting, design, and teaching of geosynthetics for more than 25 years. He has conducted many courses on geosynthetics applications and technology to public and universities. He is also active in the development […]

Webinar Talk on “Taking Steps Towards IR 4.0”

The ACEM (Sarawak Branch) organized a webinar talk on “Taking Steps Towards IR 4.0” on 15th November 2021. The speaker of the talk was Dr. Hudy Siswoyo Jo from Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak). About thirteen (13) participants attended the talk.

Courtesy Call to Construction Industrial Development Board (CIDB) Sabah

Date : 5th November 2021 Venue : Bangunan KoCIDB, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Organized by : ACEM Sabah Attended by: Ir. Razalie Sindong, Datuk Ir. Chin Shu Ying, Ir. Sebastian Tiong and Ir. Paul Yap Kok Wai. Remarks The ACEM Sabah delegates led by its Branch Chairman, Ir. Razalie bin Sindong, and 3 exco / co-opted […]

ACEM Webinar Series Site Supervision Course Discipline Module : Mechanical

Continuing the ACEM Webinar Series Site Supervision Course, the Mechanical module was held from 14 August until 9 October 2021 via Online Zoom Webinar. The above course was supported by the Construction Inspector of Work Association Malaysia (COWAM). Conducting the course were three senior members of ACEM. Ir. Wong See Foong, ACEM Past President, has […]

Webinar Induction Course for New Civil & Structural Engineers 2021

On contrary to the restriction of SOP Covid-19, the Branch has organized Webinar Induction Course for New Civil & Structural Engineers 2021 which begins from 10th September 2021 until 16th October 2021. About forty-eight participants attended the webinar Induction Course. Below are the photos of participants attending the slots of topics beginning from 10th September […]

ACEM Webinar Series Site Supervision Course Discipline Module : Mechanical

Continuing the ACEM Webinar Series Site Supervision Course, the Mechanical module was held from 14 August until 9 October 2021 via Online Zoom Webinar. The above course was supported by the Construction Inspector of Work Association Malaysia (COWAM). Conducting the course were three senior members of ACEM. Ir. Wong See Foong, ACEM’s Past President, has […]

ACEM (Sabah Branch) Food Baskets For Tuaran Folks

The Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (Sabah Branch) continues to reach out to underprivileged communities via the distribution of food baskets.  Their target has now reached the folks in Tuaran.  Previous distribution areas were in Pitas and Papar. A simple handover session was held in conjunction with the Chief Minister’s visit to the Tuaran Hospital […]

ACEM Webinar Forum “Transforming The Industry By Opening Up ECP Share Equity”

The ACEM Webinar Forum was held on 17 August 2021. This year’s forum was conducted via Zoom online webinar in a discussion format with the theme “Transforming the industry by opening up ECP share equity”. The forum’s Keynote address was presented and moderated by the ACEM President, Ir. K. Sundraraj. The panellists for the forum […]